
Sunday, October 9, 2011

"You Mormons speak so freely to God"

SAN DIEGO — It sounds like you are all doing well and busy busy busy with life!

Wasn't Conference SO GREAT? I can't wait for the Ensign to come out so I can read it again!

To answer your question about what I did for Conference. We watched the first session at the Mormon Battalion and then drove to our area and watched it at the stake center.

I don't have a lot to write about this week. It was such a hard week. I am beginning to understand a tiny bit what Ammon is saying when he said, "Now when our hearts were depressed and we were about to turn back".

I know that just as the Lord told Ammon, I too must "bear with patience thine afflictions and He will give unto me success."  So many people in the world think that baptism is the final step. I am here to testify that enduring to the end is where it is at! I know we can all do hard things, we can all bear with patience our afflictions for God has promised us that when we do, He will reward us openly and how great those blessings will be!

There is nothing new to report on our investigators, so I would like to share with you an experience I had working at the Mormon Battalion- it is an entry from my journal, so it might be a little bit scattered- sorry:

September 28, 2011
Tonight at the Battalion, I had a special experience. I was taking a tour of a young family and an older couple. The elderly man told me he had been here before, but wanted to show his wife the tour and the mother of the young family was talking to me about her mission, so I assumed they were all Mormon and thus tweaked my tour towards Mormon families.

The young family had to leave the tour early because their daughter was scared, so that left just me and the older couple. After the tour I gave the man (Curtis) a referral card. He held it in his hands for a minute and then he just started talking. He said, "you know, I think it is really neat how in the other room you called God, Heavenly Father. It just rolled off your tongue so easily!" He explained that he is Presbyterian and he never knew anybody to talk so freely about God as "Mormons do". As he was talking about how we so easily talk about Heavenly Father, I realized, "Yes, I do indeed know my Heavenly Father!"

How many people in this world don't even realize how kind and gentle and loving He is?!? I felt the Spirit so strongly talking with him. I know Heavenly Father was answering my prayers and testifying to me that He really is here. I never want to forget that warmth and comforting feeling that I felt sitting at the end of the tour in a brick building with this man and his wife. For a moment, I could almost touch Heaven. I could almost feel Heavenly Father wrapping His arms around me. I could almost hear Him whisper that He was proud of me.

He lives! I know that My Father lives! I know that his Son, my Savior and Redeemer live! What comfort that sweet sentence gives.

He loves you. He numbers you. Just as President Uchtdorf said, we are numbered like the sands of the sea and the stars of the sky. Though we may be nothing to the world, to Heavenly Father we mean everything!


Mom: I would LOVE if you could send me an ensign! THANK YOU!

Thank you for your package you sent — I LOVE the treats you sent me — the granolas and trail mix are THE BEST thing ever!

Dad: I would love it if you sent me the general conf talks/ more music! I can even send my iPod home and have you put it on that so you don't have to send another one?  We do have the aux jack thing in our cars, so that would be AWESOME! I am so excited for you and Sara if you end up going to Finland. I wish I could go back! I want to write Leena a letter, so I might send it to you and have you forward it to her since I don't have her address. I keep thinking about the saints in Russia and Finland- they are so amazing!

I love you all to the moon and back!

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