
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Have miracles ceased?

SAN DIEGO — Thank you so much for your letters I got last week. I hope I have gotten a thank you out to all of you. It is hard to remember everyone to thank when I get your letters, after we get to email.

You have no idea how much you help me just by telling me you love me! You know what a softy I am, just looking at your names on the envelope gets me teary eyed! No worries though, of course I am focused on the work, but that doesn't mean I don't love you all any less!


Grandma: Love you! Hope you got my letter!

Juli: Thank you for the letters and package, you didn't have to do that, but thank you so much!

Hannah: Thank you for writing, so glad you are doing well!

Natassja: I got your package, THANK YOU! I have already worn the hair bow lots this week. It is a perfect reminder of you! I hope your first week of school is awesome! Tell the girls hello for me:) I will write you all a letter soon, promise!

Sister: How was your trip? I'm sure you will tell me all about it. The sisters told me they saw you and Bobby at the temple, hope you had a good time!

Pops: I just have to say, you are a LIFESAVER sending that GPS. Can you imagine me, Brittany — who can barely get around Utah without getting lost — try to drive around California?! There are like four freeways I can take just to get to my area alone! I call the GPS Jack, because that's the name of the voice- Jack and I are becoming really great friends.

I was thinking about what I wanted to write you this week, I have been praying so hard to Heavenly Father to help me see the miracles he sends my way, and this week he has definitely opened my eyes to them. Mormon 9:19-21, I promise you Miracles have not ceased! Here are some of my thoughts from my journal this week and the miracles I have seen....

Wednesday- "Before our member lesson this morning, we decided to pray about a place we could street contact for a few minutes before our appointment. We decided on the street and started walking... The thing about street contacting, is it is helpful when there are actually people on the street!

Not so on this lovely Wednesday afternoon!:( Sadly, I have already learned far too many lessons of not paying attention to the Spirit, or being too nervous to go up to someone and talk to them, so I was determined NOT going to do that again. As we passed each house, I asked Heavenly Father if we were needed there. We were only one house away from the members home and I was starting to feel like we had just wasted 20 minutes of Heavenly Father's time, when I felt the Spirit tell me that that house needed to hear His message. Jesus answered the door and we set up a return appointment....."

Thursday- "Ryan Low, the member we visited yesterday, gave us a name of his friend, Mike who is a less-active member. He told us that he had no idea why he felt like we needed to visit him. In fact, he said that Mike is never home and was almost positive we wouldn't be able to reach him. We decided to make plans to meet him today and to have the faith that Heavenly Father would help it all work out. We pulled up to Mike's house tonight just as he was walking up to his house... He was home! And we were able to remind him of why he was baptized...."

Friday- "Tai, one of our investigators, who we haven't been able to contact or get a hold of in a long time actually called us and set up an appointment.....!"

Sunday- "We have been having a hard time with finding people to teach. Even our investigators weren't answering our calls. I can't tell you how many hours I have spent on my knees in prayer, begging Heavenly Father to help me find the people He has prepared for us to teach. It is so hard being a missionary, with the most precious news to share to the world and not have anyone to teach it to. Today, we taught non-stop for nine hours straight! In fact, we had to go on splits for our last lessons. We taught Robert and Michael, who are the two friends that worked doing pest control with some Mormon guys. It was a bit nerve-racking to teach by myself with a member who has not had that much experience at teaching, either. It was a good reminder that it doesn't matter how weak we are, Heavenly Father makes up what we lack, and the lesson went just fine. Robert is getting baptized in the next few weeks!"

I just wanted to share with you the miracles I have seen in my life this week. There are miracles all around us, it just takes the right kind of lens to see them. Take a breather in the busy and crazy lives I know we all have and notice the miracles you have in your life every single day. I know they are there!

I love you all so much! Each day I get to give tours about the 500 men in the Mormon Battalion that left such a legacy of service, sacrifice and faith. Each day, I also get to go out into the world and see the people of today's time and the legacies they are leaving for their own friends and families. Each of you are leaving your own legacy and it is not anything small or menial. You make a difference, don't even think otherwise for even a second! You have all made a difference in at least one persons life and that is mine.

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